Durable Safety Signs

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Equipment Starts Remotely Do Not Cross Under Conveyors


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The sign in bold, attention-grabbing letters reads: “Warning: Equipment Starts Remotely – Do Not Cross Under Conveyors.” Positioned strategically near conveyor systems, this sign is a crucial safety reminder in industrial settings where automated equipment operates. Standing as a sentinel against potential hazards, this sign underscores the paramount importance of safety protocols. Its purpose is clear: to safeguard workers from the dangers posed by remotely activated machinery. With a concise message, it leaves no room for ambiguity or misinterpretation.

The phrase “Equipment Starts Remotely” serves as the sign’s focal point, immediately drawing attention to the remote activation of machinery. Crafted to resonate with anyone approaching the area, this phrase conveys the critical nature of the warning.

The directive “Do Not Cross Under Conveyors” reinforces the specific action required to mitigate risk. Emphasizing the potential danger of crossing beneath moving conveyors, this directive highlights the severe consequences that could result if the equipment were to start unexpectedly. Using bold lettering ensures high visibility, even from a distance or in dimly lit environments. 

Furthermore, the stark contrast between the warning message and the sign’s background enhances readability, leaving an indelible impression on observers. Its design prioritizes clarity and impact, leaving no room for doubt about the importance of adhering to safety guidelines.

Ultimately, this warning sign is a proactive measure, a sentinel of safety in industrial environments. Prominently displaying the message “Equipment Starts Remotely – Do Not Cross Under Conveyors” as a constant reminder of the risks posed by automated machinery and the necessity of vigilance in mitigating those risks.


5"x7", 7"x10", 10"x14"

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